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What is Thermal Water?

What is Thermal Water?

Thermal pools are pleasant recreational areas that many people use for relaxation and healing. Many people enjoy these pools built around natural thermal water sources, regardless of summer or winter. Since the thermal pool is such a popular structure, the question "What is thermal water?" is widely asked. The properties of these waters, their benefits, the minerals they contain, and the way they are formed are a matter of curiosity for many people. Thermal waters are waters with high mineral content and high temperatures that emerge from underground to the earth. The main difference between these waters and other spring waters is the high-temperature level of thermal waters. Thermal waters, which have been used for hundreds or even thousands of years, have an important place in many different cultures.

Thermal water passes through different stages during the process of coming to the surface of the earth. This water, which originates from underground sources, is heated in various ways. For example, small pieces of molten stone are one of the factors that make thermal waters hot. Another factor that heats thermal waters is the circulation of these waters underground. In both cases, the main source of the temperature of thermal waters is radioactivity in the Earth's mantle layer. Thermal waters are exposed to many different elements and minerals as well as increasing in temperature during their ascent to the earth's surface. Thus, many minerals found underground are mixed into these waters. Therefore, thermal waters attract attention with their high mineral ratios as well as their high temperature. As a result, these characteristics of thermal waters make them a source of healing.

Thermal waters, which are of great importance in many different cultures, occur in different parts of the world. Thermal waters in different regions have different mineral ratios because the ratios of elements found underground in different parts of the world differ. Therefore, some thermal water sources have acidic properties while others have more basic pH values. In addition to their high mineral content, thermal waters are also home to various microorganisms from time to time. Although many thermal waters are used by people for relaxation, hygiene, and therapy, some thermal waters cannot be used by humans. The main reason for this is that some thermal water sources are too hot or their chemical structure is not suitable.

Although there is no universally accepted definition of thermal water in scientific terms, there are many different definitions of thermal water. According to one definition, thermal water is considered to be "water heated as a result of geothermal activity", while in another definition, this definition varies as "natural spring water with a higher temperature than its surroundings". In addition, technically, the temperature of thermal water has different ranges. According to some definitions, this temperature is 21 °C and above, according to others it is 37 °C and above, and according to others, it is 50 °C and above. In general, natural spring waters with temperatures between 20 °C and 50 °C and heated by geothermal activity are considered thermal water, while the ideal temperature of thermal water for use is between 40 °C and 44 °C.

Regardless of the generally accepted definition, thermal water attracts attention with its ability to be a source of healing for many people. Every year, millions of people have a pleasant time by taking advantage of thermal water resources and some users gain some relief in terms of some health problems. Thermal waters, which have numerous uses from physical therapy applications to skin care, contain various minerals. These include many different minerals from sodium to magnesium and different thermal water sources contain minerals at different rates. In our country, as in many parts of the world, there are thermal water resources with various proportions of minerals. Users have a pleasant time with the use of these thermal waters and aim to cure their health problems.



There are many curious issues about thermal waters that have been used for thousands of years. Many people are curious about how these waters are formed and how they reach the earth. Just like the questions "What is thermal water, what does it do?", the question "How is thermal water formed?" is also an important curiosity. Thermal waters attract attention not only with their usage areas and properties but also with their formation processes. If we need to explain briefly, thermal waters are formed by the waters in some underground sources coming to the surface of the earth over time. The process of these waters coming to the surface sometimes takes hundreds of years. Thermal waters are enriched in terms of minerals in the ground and their temperatures increase during the years of coming to the surface. We then benefit from these waters in thermal pools and other parts of thermal facilities.

If we examine the process of thermal water formation in more detail, the process of formation and enrichment of these waters in terms of minerals may vary depending on the source. Researchers have examined the functioning and formation processes of different thermal water sources. Depending on their research, we can say that thermal waters begin to emerge when the water masses on the earth's surface seep through the cracks in the layers of the Earth and reach underground. Then these water masses reach the hot layers underground and start to heat up. Then, with the effect of this sudden increase in temperature, these water masses evaporate and come to the surface again. During this whole process, these water masses, which firstly descend from the earth to the underground, are heated by geothermal energy. In addition to this, they incorporate many different minerals during their ascent back to the earth. In this way, thermal water has both high temperatures and high mineral ratios.

There are some other theories about the formation of thermal springs and the origin of the temperature of thermal waters. According to another approach, another factor contributing to the temperature of thermal waters is the friction created by the circulation of these waters underground. Thermal springs are the result of natural actions and reactions over thousands or even millions of years. During this long process of formation of these waters, thermal waters create erosion in the regions they pass through during their descent and ascent underground. Therefore, the temperature of thermal waters increases with the effect of this erosion. This erosion also enables thermal waters to absorb and incorporate minerals more effectively. These thermal waters, which reach the earth's surface by evaporating between the hard layers of the Earth, thus accumulate in certain areas with high mineral ratios.

Volcanic activity is sometimes seen around thermal water sources. Because with volcanic activity, molten rocks with high temperatures are found closer to the Earth's surface. These molten rocks, also known as magma, play a major role in the formation of geothermal energy and the heating of thermal waters. Thanks to this magma layer, which is not very deep in volcanic regions, the water that has gone underground through cracks heats up and rises to the surface. However, thermal water formation can be observed even in areas without volcanic activity. This is because these molten rocks begin to show their effect when they are sufficiently underground, even in the absence of volcanic activity. In this case, when the water seeps underground enough, it returns to the earth as thermal water. In regions where volcanic activity is not observed, thermal water formation usually occurs where there are fault lines. This is because there are more cracks in these areas that allow water to go underground. Depending on how deep the water goes and the chemical structure of the region, thermal waters have different properties.


Thermal water, which is thought to have many positive effects on the body with its high temperature and mineral ratios, is used in various fields. First of all, we often come across thermal waters in thermal pools and spas. In these areas, users use thermal water to relax and have a pleasant time. In addition, thermal water has effects on issues such as skin care and physical therapy. 

We can list some of the uses of thermal water as follows:

  • Thanks to the various beneficial minerals it contains, thermal water can positively affect skin health. The various minerals contained in thermal water can nourish the skin and make it look more vibrant. In addition, thermal water creates a relaxing effect on the skin with its hot, warm structure and softens the skin. In addition, the skin is moisturized with the effect of thermal water and the pores are nourished with minerals.
  • Many people may need physical therapy and rehabilitation applications due to various accidents and injuries. Another area of use of thermal waters is physical therapy. The warm structure of these waters provides relaxation of muscles and joints and supports healing at the cellular level. In addition, thermal waters with high mineral content support muscle and joint health. Therefore, thermal waters are utilized supportively in the field of physical therapy.
  • Apart from physical therapy, thermal waters can also contribute to muscle and joint health in a different way. Today, muscle and bone problems are increasing, especially due to sedentary lifestyles. Many people complain of muscle and bone problems, especially rheumatic disorders. Since thermal water creates relaxation in the joints and muscles, it can reduce the pain of these people and provide healing.
  • Another important effect of thermal water on human health is its blood pressure stabilizing properties. Blood pressure, also known as blood pressure, can increase due to the narrow and tense blood vessels, along with many other reasons. As a result, the problem of high blood pressure arises. The high temperature of thermal waters allows the blood vessels to relax and expand. Thus, thermal water has blood pressure regulating effects.
  • An important reason why many people use thermal water is that it has relaxing and soothing effects on the body. Due to the relaxing effects of thermal waters on the body, stress  decreases  and a feeling of happiness occurs. Therefore, another use of thermal water is to positively affect mental health. Thermal water can be used for mental problems such as stress, depression and anxiety.
  • The feeling of relaxation that thermal waters create in the muscles can create positive results not only for people with muscle diseases, but also for athletes. Athletes who perform a hard work routine may have problems such as muscle aches and fatigue. In these athletes, relaxation of the muscles with the help of thermal water and consequently easier regeneration of the muscles after sports can be seen.
  • We can say that thermal water itself as well as its vapor is a source of healing. Thermal water can be used as a supportive treatment for various respiratory problems. Thus, an improvement can be seen at a symptomatic level in these respiratory diseases. Of course, people with respiratory diseases should only use thermal water with the approval of a doctor, just like anyone with a chronic disease or any contraindications to the use of thermal water.
  • Thermal waters are generally used through thermal pools located in special facilities. Users use thermal waters by entering these pools. However, sometimes thermal waters can also be used as drinking water. Thermal waters with this feature can be useful in many issues from urinary tract diseases to complaints such as indigestion. However, it should be noted that not all thermal waters are suitable for use as drinking water and only thermal waters suitable for drinking should be used for such use.
  • Finally, another use of thermal waters is for various gynecological diseases. Thermal waters with high temperature and mineral content can be used to alleviate the symptoms of some gynecological diseases.
  • In short, thermal water can be used for many different purposes. In addition to relaxing and having a pleasant time with the help of thermal water, users also aim to find a cure for some health problems. Although some users have seen a certain reduction in their health problems with the use of thermal water, it should be remembered that the use of thermal water is not guaranteed to work the same way in everyone's body.


We all care more or less about our appearance and want to have good-looking skin. Therefore, having an effective skin care routine is important to achieve this look we are looking for. In addition, we can say that skin care is of great importance for health in general. In order to be healthier, we should protect and properly care for our skin, which is the largest organ in our body. For this, we should moisturize our skin, nourish it with vitamins and minerals and protect it from the harmful effects of sunlight. In addition, skin care can be taken to the next level with the use of thermal water. Thermal waters, which are used for many skin problems such as acne and eczema, can also help to make the skin healthier.

Thermal water supports skin health and beauty in many different ways. First of all, with the use of thermal water, the skin will be exposed to thermal water vapor. Thanks to this steam, the skin is moisturized and the pores of the skin are opened. By opening the pores of the skin, skin care can be performed more easily. In addition to thermal water vapor, thermal water itself can also have positive effects on skin health. Thermal waters with high temperature help the skin to relax and relax in general. Thus, with regular use of thermal water, it becomes possible to have younger looking skin by preventing wrinkle formation. At the same time, skin care can be performed more effectively as a result of the relaxation of the skin, as well as opening the pores of the skin.

In addition to high temperature levels, another feature of thermal waters is their high mineral content. This high mineral ratio in thermal waters allows us to support the skin in terms of nourishing minerals. The skin that comes into contact with thermal water with high mineral levels is nourished with these minerals. Thus, it becomes possible to have a healthier and younger looking skin with the help of thermal water. In addition to temperature and mineral support, another condition that supports the positive effects of thermal waters in terms of skin health is that the use of these waters reduces stress levels. According to many scientific studies, excessive stress can negatively affect skin health. The use of thermal water supports skin health by helping to reduce stress levels.

There are various methods of using thermal water for skin care. The first of these is the use of thermal pools. In addition to the use of thermal pools, skin health can also be supported by the use of bottled thermal water. Although thermal pools are one of the most effective methods for using thermal water, it may sometimes not be possible to use these areas regularly. In this case, it is possible to nourish the skin in terms of minerals and support skin health with bottled thermal water. There are bottled thermal water types produced by various brands. These thermal waters are thought to have relaxing, moisturizing and refreshing properties.


Generally, physical therapy may be necessary due to injuries and disorders that occur in the body over time. In addition, there are health problems that occur after some surgeries or congenitally inherited and require physical therapy. In order to find a solution to these health problems that affect the quality of life in a very negative way, professional help should be sought first. In addition to the professional help received and the physical therapy program applied, thermal waters can also be used in a supportive manner. There are many reasons why thermal waters are used in the field of physical therapy. The main reason is that thermal waters with high temperature levels create relaxation in muscles and joints and support healing in these areas.

The high temperatures of thermal waters not only promote healing in muscles and joints. In addition, relaxation can occur with the use of thermal water in the area requiring physical therapy. In this way, the pain that patients often complain about can be reduced. Regular use of thermal water also supports the health of the joints and is applied to facilitate the physical therapy process. Another advantage of the use of thermal water in physical therapy is the regulation of blood circulation in the body with the use of these waters. The process of blood circulation in the body becomes more effective with the help of thermal water and blood circulation accelerates. With increased blood circulation, blood goes to all parts of the body more efficiently. Thus, the areas expected to heal in the body can undergo a better healing process.

In addition to joint and bone problems, it is also possible to heal various muscle and nervous system disorders with the help of thermal water. Problems such as earache, sciatica and hernia affect a large part of the society. The use of thermal water is quite common for these problems that seriously affect daily life. For example, the formation of scapula can occur over time due to excessive tension in the muscles. Thanks to the high temperature of thermal waters, relaxation occurs in the muscles and the tension of the kulunç is reduced. Thus, therapeutic applications for the treatment of this problem can become easier and more effective. In addition, many users turn to thermal water for problems such as sciatica, hernia and restless  leg syndrome.

Today, many people need physical therapy applications for various reasons. In addition, muscle, nerve and bone diseases negatively affect the quality of life of many people. There are various applications for the treatment and rehabilitation of these health problems. All these treatment and rehabilitation practices should be applied under professional supervision. In addition, the use of thermal water can sometimes be used as a supportive treatment method for such health problems. The high mineral ratios in thermal waters and the high temperature levels of these waters can be healing for disorders in the muscle and bone systems. However, as in all cases that may make the use of thermal water inconvenient, the doctor's advice should be listened to in this case. As long as there is a doctor's approval, thermal water can be used to support the physical therapy process.


Thermal water, which has many uses, draws attention with its unique properties. The characteristic features of thermal water have enabled it to be used by various cultures for thousands of years and to be widely used today. If we need to briefly mention some of the features of thermal water, we can list them as follows:

  • There are two main factors that enable thermal water to reach high temperatures. The first of these is the contact of this water with magma, which is underground and has a high temperature. The other factor is the circulation and friction that takes place during the process of thermal water coming out of the ground to the surface.
  • Thermal waters are seen especially in areas with volcanic activity and in areas with fault lines. Because in these areas, the water on the surface of the earth can more easily go underground and return to the earth by evaporating under the influence of high temperature.
  • The chemical structure and other properties of thermal waters that occur in different forms and conditions vary. For example, sometimes thermal waters can reach extremely high temperatures. In this case, it is not possible for people to use thermal water.
  • The main use of thermal water is by entering this water through thermal pools. In addition, some thermal waters with suitable chemical structure and other properties can be converted into drinking water as a result of various processes. However, only thermal waters that are suitable for this and have undergone the necessary processes can be used as drinking water.
  • The main reason for using thermal water is to relax and have a pleasant time. In addition, some users tend to use thermal water for healing purposes. For example, thermal waters can be used to support physical therapy applications or for skin care.
  • The potential health benefits of thermal waters are mainly due to their high temperature levels and the various minerals they contain.
  • Although many people use thermal waters as a source of healing, these waters should not be expected to have the same effects on every body. When there are conditions that may make the use of thermal water inconvenient, it is necessary to consult a doctor about this issue.


In addition to the high temperature levels, another important factor in the effects of thermal waters on the body is the minerals found in these waters. Minerals are substances that support many functions in the body and should always be in a certain order. When these substances are at optimum levels in the body, they can create various positive health effects. When minerals are too low or too high in the body, health problems may occur. There are many different minerals in thermal waters. These minerals may vary in type and amount depending on the source of thermal water. Therefore, thermal water sources generally have different levels of mineral ratios. In general, we can list some minerals found in thermal waters as follows:

  • Potassium: Potassium, one of the electrolytes important in maintaining body health, has an effect on balancing blood pressure and controlling muscle contractions.
  • Magnesium: It is one of the minerals of great importance for physical functions. It has benefits such as regulation of blood sugar in the body and better sleep.
  • Sodium: It is an important mineral for fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. The benefits of sodium in the body include preventing water loss and balancing ions.
  • Iron It is a mineral found in large amounts in the blood. It plays a role in increasing hemoglobin levels and treating anemia.
  • Chloride: It is an important mineral in maintaining acid-base balance in the body. It allows cells to take nutrients and water in a better way.
  • Calcium: It is a mineral that plays an important role in bone development. In addition to supporting bone and dental health, it is also important in weight control.
  • Selenium: It is a mineral needed by many systems in the body. It has benefits such as regulating thyroid functions and supporting the immune system.
  • Lithium: One of the most often overlooked but important minerals. Lithium helps retain other minerals in the body and supports mood stabilization.
  • Manganese Manganese is among the minerals found in thermal waters. This mineral supports the metabolism to work in a healthier way.


Thermal water, which offers users a great opportunity to have a relaxing and enjoyable time, is also believed to have many possible benefits. Some of the possible benefits of thermal water include:

  • One of the most well-known properties of thermal water, which usually has high temperature levels, is that it regulates blood pressure. Because with the effect of thermal water, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation in the body becomes easier.
  • Another benefit of thermal water is that it provides physical comfort. Thanks to this feature, users' muscles and joints relax. Thus, it is possible to get away from stress, which invites many diseases, thanks to thermal water.
  • In addition to its effects on physical health, thermal water is also thought to be good for mental health. Because it is a very enjoyable activity, entering thermal water can reduce problems such as depression and anxiety.
  • Another effect of thermal water on the body is that it relaxes the respiratory tract. Therefore, another important possible benefit of thermal water is the possibility of being good for upper respiratory tract infections and similar ailments.
  • Stomach disorders can sometimes arise from the disturbance of the acid balance in the digestive system, sometimes from stress and sometimes for other reasons. Thermal waters can also be beneficial for stomach ailments due to their effects on these issues.
  • The use of thermal water pools can have positive effects on various gynecological diseases.
  • Various skin diseases are among the ailments that can be positively affected by thermal water.
  • With the use of thermal water, toxins are removed from the body and a general hygiene is achieved in the body. With the effect of this situation, it is possible that some urinary tract diseases can be well affected by thermal water.
  • Thermal water, which provides a general relaxation in the body, is thought to be beneficial for many musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Finally, thermal water can produce positive results in the treatment of post-operative movement disorders.


For Thermal water pool construction, the area where the pool will be built is first examined and it is determined whether it is suitable for thermal water pool construction. Depending on the results obtained, thermal water pool construction processes are started. First, the design phase is completed and then the foundation is dug. After digging the foundation for the thermal water pool, elements such as water and electrical installations required for the pool to function properly are placed. In addition, filtration systems, elements such as skimmer and optionally systems such as lighting are installed. The next stage is to cover the pool with materials such as tiles. At this stage, it would be wise to choose long-lasting and high quality pool coating materials. It is especially important to cover a pool that will be filled with thermal water that can reach high temperatures with a material that is resistant to heat. In this sense, Serapool Porcelain products can be preferred with peace of mind. Serapool products are highly resistant to high temperature water thanks to its porcelain structure. After all these processes, the thermal water pool is filled with water and made ready for use.